Is Your Body Too Acidic? Here’s What To Do About It

Body Too Acidic? You Can Have Severe Health Problems. Here’s What To Do About It



It’s a fairly common problem today. Is your body too acidic? Many people feel that the typical western diet creates too much acidity in our bodies, which causes health issues.

is your body too acidic? Yes if you eat lots of meat and fishAcid-forming foods include most meats, grains, dairy and sugar, as well as most alcoholic drinks. Heavily-processed foods including fast food are particularly acidic, we are told.

So if your body is overly acidic, minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium are used to neutralize the acid and remove it from your body. And that means you could run short of these essential minerals – and that can be detrimental to your health. Too much acid can to respiratory issues, chronic fatigue, irritability, acid reflux, osteoporosis and more.

Doesn’t My Body Resolve Acidity On Its Own?

Yes, absolutely – but at a price. For example, if your body’s systems become too acidic, the blood will take alkaline-forming elements from the digestive enzyme system of the small intestine. This now creates a less-than-optimal environment for proper digestion.

So although your body can adjust the pH balance (acidity versus alkalinity) on its own, it does so at a price to other systems in the body, which can lead to additional health problems.

What’s the Solution to Body Too Acidic?

is your body too acidic? eat alkaline foods like lemonsIn order to neutralize acid generation, you need to feed your body with more alkaline food.

However, you can’t tell which food is acidic or alkaline by taste alone. For example, lemons taste bitter so they seem to be acidic – and they are actually classed as an acidic fruit.

However, lemons are in fact an alkaline-forming food. (During the process of digestion the acids are oxidized into carbon dioxide and water, therefore they do not create an acid condition in your body).

Your Body Has Limits

Your body has limits as to how much it can compensate for acid imbalance. Therefore, the food that you eat plays a critical role in maintaining the acid-alkaline balance.

Body Too Acidic? Eat These Alkaline Foods

is your body too acidic? eat vegetablesMost foods contain a mixture of acid and alkaline. However, these are considered to be alkaline-forming foods – most:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Herbs
  • Herbal teas

are alkaine-forming foods.

6 Ways to Improve your Alkalinity

There are several things you can do to improve the alkalinity of your diet. Here are some suggestions:

  1. is your body too acidic? drink waterDrink plenty of water
  2. Reduce the amount of meat and grains that you eat. For example, replace a traditional lunch with a green salad. Or use lettuce leaves and collard greens as wraps
  3. Reduce the amount of processed foods and fast food that you eat.
  4. Reduce soda (soft drinks), sugar, coffee and alcohol. Replace them with herbal tea, herbal coffee and green drinks.
  5. If you drink quite a lot of milk, replace dairy milk with nut milk (e.g. almond milk). If you only drink a little milk, then full-fat dairy milk is fine. (Remember that fat-free or low-fat food and drink is heavily processed and full of artificial ingredients).
  6. Add green juices and smoothies to your diet each day – they’re a GREAT way to eat lots of fresh vegetables in an enjoyable way.
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What You Eat Matters

Once your food intake is more balanced and less acidic, your body will thank you and you’ll start to feel better.

There is no question about it, what you eat has a direct impact on your overall health.

And — even better – isn’t it wonderful that the alkaline foods are also more green and eco-friendly? They have a much smaller carbon footprint than meat and processed foods. So they’re not just better for you, they’re better for the planet and climate change too!

If you’re exercising, why not take it to the next level with the perfect juices and smoothies for that extra boost. See exactly how to do it in this FREE report – click to download it NOW!

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Are you aware of acid versus alkaline foods? Do you think it’s important? Let me know in the Comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE juicing and smoothies recipe book here!



acidity, acidity in food, alkaline, alkaline foods, alkaline-forming foods, diet, health, is your body too acidic, nutrition, too much acidity in body

  • Not many know about this, Clare. I add lemon juice from fresh lemons to my water everyday. Never,ever drink carbonated anything and only have alcohol on a rare occasion with company. Coffee, haven’t figured out how to give it up entirely but mine is pretty watered down and only a cup a day. I work at keeping my body alkaline. Cancers can’t grow in that environment. Sugar is still an issue and I’m an all or nothing kind of person so I will give it up for long periods then fall off the wagon for a while.

    Just read an article about bamboo fibers today and we have been fed a load of misinformation there too.

    • Adding fresh lemon juice to water really helps me to avoid getting bored with drinking water (which I need to drink more of). I used to drink tons of Coke but gave that up (phew!) many years ago. I have 2 espressos a day – you’re much better with weaker coffee and only 1 cup. I’m very impressed that you’re doing so much to keep your body alkaline!
      Bamboo itself and its growing is great, but I assume you mean the processing that goes on – yes, depending upon what’s done to bamboo, it can be just as about as bad as processing polyester. It’s so sad that something so good can be made so bad. Hopefully there’ll be a way to overcome it. but as long as people want cheap clothes…….

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