Sneaky Causes of Back Pain That Will Surprise You!

Back Pain? You’ll be Surprised at the Reasons!



Back pain is surprisingly common – and there are some surprising causes for it!

About 93 million workdays are lost (as well as $5 billion in health care costs) every year to back pain – and that’s just in the US!

back pain backache Back pain is the 2nd most common cause of missing work (after colds and flu). An astounding eight out of ten people will have back pain at some point in their lives, and about 26 million adults in the USA alone experience frequent back pain – that’s a lot of people!

With so many people affected by pain, it’s time to take a look at the causes – and some of them may surprise you!

Now of course, there are some obvious causes for back pain. Jobs which require heavy lifting , and outdoor occupations and hobbies such as gardening are well-known to cause back pain.

But there are many other causes – and some of them are sneaky, “under the radar” culprits that cause your bad back.

It Could be a Vitamin!


Not many people know that a simple deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to back pain (in fact, B12 deficiency can lead to chronic pain throughout the body).

back pain - B12 deficiency - eat clamsIf this is your problem, it’s wonderfully easy to resolve.

Simply add more foods that are high in vitamin B12 to your daily diet.  Clams and oysters (and most shellfish), organic cage-free turkey and chicken, wild salmon and eggs are all great sources of vitamin B12. They are easily available – and good for you too!

Getting vitamins and minerals via the food you eat is always the best way, but you can  take supplements instead if you wish. Check with your doctor today to see if you are lacking in this important vitamin.

You’ll get an abundance of healthy vitamins and minerals by eating more fresh vegetables and fruit – but they’re not very exciting. An easy way to enjoy lots of fresh ingredients is to make delicious smoothies – get a FREE recipe book by clicking the picture below!

100 Juicing Recipes

It Could Be Your Seat


back pain due to chairYour office chair could be causing your back pain, even if it is comfortable and has a lot of wonderful features. Sitting reduces the flow of blood to your spine. This in turn adds 30% more pressure to your vertebrae than if you are walking or standing.

If you spend a lot of time sitting each day, it really isn’t good for your health.

Try to make every effort to stand for periods of time during the day.

If you often sit in your computer chair at home or in the office (like me), consider purchasing a standing desk. At the very least, get up regularly and move around.

You can also try these “Deskercises” which are stretches and exercises that you can do at your desk or home office. They don’t need any special equipment (so they’re green and eco friendly), and you can do them anywhere.

It Could be Your Shoes

shoes can cause back pain

If you choose your shoes more for their look than their physical benefits, you may be giving yourself back pain.

High-heeled shoes and stilettos change your natural walking body angle, and can cause skeletal imbalances.

It Could be Your Mobile


Technology is wonderful, but if you use your smartphone or tablet all the time, your back could be paying the price. The poor back and neck posture that comes from constantly staring at your mobile device display actually has a medical name. “Texting thumb” can lead to problems in your hand, as well as chronic back pain.

It Could be Your Asthma


asthma can cause back painIf you suffer from asthma, you’ll know that it can cause you to feel weak and out of energy. But this condition doesn’t just affect your lungs. Many asthma sufferers report middle back pain, caused by the coughing and wheezing which is often found in asthma sufferers.

So keep your medication handy, because even a single significant asthma attack can cause severe back pain.

It Could be Stress


If you are anxious or tense, your stress could be the cause of your back pain.

Tension, anxiety and even depression can cause a powerful strain on your musculature and skeletal systems. This can affect your back and other parts of your body, making you feel weak and sore.

It Could be Lack of Exercise

back pain eased by a walk

If find if I don’t have my daily walk, or if I’m not getting enough exercise, I often get back pain.

Back pain is frequently the result of weak muscles, particularly in the abdomen and core. People with strong core muscles, rarely suffer back pain.

Strengthening your core muscles is an excellent investment in yourself. Pilates is one of the best ways to strengthen your core, and Yoga is also good. In addition, walking is a wonderful, low-impact way to strengthen many muscles (it’s also green and eco friendly!).



If you have back pain, there may be some not-so-obvious causes for it.

Take a look at your lifestyle – are you getting enough vitamin B12, are you wearing the wrong shoes, are you sitting for long periods, or are your asthma attacks causing you back pain? Are you getting enough general exercise, or are you stressed?

Any of these could be the hidden causes for your back pain. Take a look at how you live today – it’s easier to do that, than take expensive drugs and medication, some of which have side effects.

Take the green and eco friendly route and solve your back pain problems by looking at how you live, and changing what isn’t working well for you.

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Do you suffer back pain? What do you do? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE juicing and smoothies recipe book here!



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